Any student (un-sponsored if Colegio Bethel student) graduating a basic program enrolling in a Diversificado year 1 program at Colegio Bethel may apply.
Applications must be complete and submitted by the deadline posted.
Registration papers must be submitted as proof of enrollment and will be accepted at a later date.
A handwritten application is not complete unless submitted to UMH with registration papers, basico qualifications- Segundo/Tercero, and photo. See the website.
The selected scholarship recipients will be guaranteed scholarship monthly tuition payments to Colegio Bethel and per semester payments for University. To receive tuition payments -Student must meet all stated criteria and Colegio Bethel grade requirements. Additional university requirements below.
Once a student is awarded a scholarship, it is our goal to assist the student through the completion of the education process. Up to six years of education. (3 years H.S. and 3 years College) If the student fails to enroll in school the following year or semester, meet the Colegio Bethel or University grade requirements, the scholarship is terminated. (Must be continuous education).
Scholarship payments to Colegio Bethel by UMH
High school 2 years - Colegio Bethel High school 3 years – Colegio Behtel
Supplies- $50 Supplies- $50
Tuition monthly 1st year- $50 Tuition monthly 1st year- $50
Tuition monthly 2nd year- $64 Tuition monthly 2nd year- $57
Tuition monthly 3rd year- $64
When earning tuition money for the University
Actual tuition costs may vary between scholarship students. Different students may earn tuition money by passing their entrance exams to the University. UMH is dedicated to the student’s academics and reserves the right to substitute actual UMH Scholarship tuition costs for other costs students encounter with attending a university. Example: travel, lodging, books etc. These will be considered on a case by case basis. Families must disclose ALL money they receive outside of UMH. Scholarship money may vary between other scholarship students and years.
The United Missions of Hope (UMH) reserves the right to control costs as they see fit to ensure the financial backing of all our students. At University level, grades are monitored closely and play a role in the earned awarded amounts.
Upon a terminated scholarship by a student leaving the educational program or not meeting grade requirements, UMH Scholarship money will stop immediately. The United Missions of Hope will have no further financial obligation to the educational institution. All additional expenses will become the sole responsibility of the student/ family.
A) All grades must be submitted after each years grading session to ensure financial assistance and payment for the next school year. Upload them at the bottom of the application page of this website.
B) All registration papers must be submitted yearly for Diversificado and per semester for University.
C) Please submit all information in a timely fashion as to not create any delays in scholarship payments.
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